A deepfake video of Rashmika Mandanna went viral on social media in October 2023. The video showed Mandanna entering an elevator, but her face had been replaced with that of another woman
Deepfake videos are created using artificial intelligence to manipulate existing videos. The AI software can learn the features of a person's face and then replace it with another person's face in a video
Deepfake videos can be used to spread misinformation, damage reputations, and even blackmail people. For example, a deepfake video could be used to make it look like a celebrity is saying or doing something they never actually said or did.
Rashmika Mandanna called the deepfake video "scary" and "disturbing." She also urged social media platforms to do more to prevent the spread of deepfake videos
– Be skeptical of videos that seem too good to be true.– Check the source of the video.– Pay attention to the audio and video quality.– Use reverse image search to see if the video has been posted elsewhere online.
Social media platforms are taking steps to combat deepfake videos. For example, Twitter has removed several deepfake videos from its platform and is working on developing new tools to identify and remove deepfake videos
The government can play a role in addressing deepfake videos by passing laws that make it illegal to create or distribute deepfake videos. The government can also work with social media platforms to develop new tools to identify and remove deepfake videos.
Deepfake videos are a new and growing threat. It is important to be aware of the dangers of deepfake videos and to take steps to protect yourself from them.